Aug 17, 2010

Classics not to be missed

My students keep asking me to suggest them few books to read. The only thing I do at that particular point of time is to keep quiet, for I don't really know what their tastes are. If insisted, in order to escape I would ask them to read some Telugu or Kannada poems, stories, novels etc. I know they wont be convinced with that not-so-serious suggestion. On one occasion, my inguinity was suspected and I felt I should retaliate. I went on listing some of the finest books of the world that every book lover ought to read. See, if my list is of some use to you too. Do suggest if I missed out any.

  1. The Ramayana - Valmiki
  2. The Mahabharata - Ved Vyas
  3. Abhignana Shakuntalam - Kalidas
  4. Aesope's Fables - Aesope
  5. The poetics - Aristotle
  6. The Bible - Various authors
  7. Alice' s adventures in wonderland - Lewis Carroll
  8. The canterbury tales - Chaucer
  9. Don Quixote - Cerventes
  10. Robinson Crusoe - Daniel Defoe
  11. Tale of two cities - Charles Dickens
  12. Great Expectations - Charles Dickens
  13. The adventures of Sherlock Holmes - Sir Arthur Canon Doyle
  14. The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam - Edward Fitzerald
  15. The Diary of a young girl - Anne Frank
  16. Mother - Maxim Gorkey
  17. The return of the native - Thomas Hardy
  18. The Iliad - Homer
  19. The Odyssey - Homer
  20. Les Miserables - Victor Hugo
  21. The Alchemist - Ben Johnson
  22. The Alchemist - Paulo Coelho
  23. The outsider - Albert Camus
  24. Metamorphosis - Franz Kafka
  25. The Trial - Franz Kafka
  26. The jungle books - Rudyard Kipling
  27. Sons and lovers - D. H. Lawrence
  28. Paradise Lost/ Paradise Regained - John Milton
  29. Gone with the wind - Margeret Mitchell
  30. Utopia - Thomas Moore
  31. Animal Farm - George Orwell
  32. The Republic - Plato
  33. All is well that ends well - Shakespeare
  34. As you like it - Shakespeare
  35. Hamlet - Shakespeare
  36. Julius Caesar - Shakespeare
  37. King Lear - Shakespeare
  38. Romeo and Juliet -Shakespeare
  39. Man and Superman - George Bernard Shaw
  40. Gulliver's Travels - Jonathan Swift
  41. Anna Karenina - Tolstoy
  42. War and peace - Tolstoy
  43. The adventures of Tom sawyer - Mark Twain
  44. The adventures of Huckleberry Finn - Mark Twain
  45. Arabian night's entertainement - Unknown
  46. Around the world in 80 days - Jules Verne
  47. The Aeneid - Virgil
  48. Ben Hur - Lew Wallace
  49. The time machine - H. G. Wells
  50. Jonathan Livingston Seagull - Richard Bach
  51. To kill a mocking bird - Harper Lee
  52. The Godfather - Mario Puzo
  53. Things fall apart - Chinua Ache

Thats all I remember for now... Do let me know if you have read something worthwhile.

1 comment:

  1. i have just read sherlock's and alchemist...2 bad.
    sir u can even suggest for sydney sheldon's.
