Mar 31, 2017

Marks Sheet of Term Test - 2 Class XI 2016-17

Objectives of teaching English from class XI to XII as per Curriculum



Students are expected to have acquired a reasonable degree of language proficiency in English by the time they come to class XI, and the course will aim, essentially at promoting the higher-order language skills.
For a large number of students, the higher secondary stage will be a preparation for the university, where a fairly high degree of proficiency in English may be required. But for another large group, the higher secondary stage may be a preparation for entry into the world of work. The Core Course should cater to both the groups by promoting the language skills required for academic study as well as the language skills required for the workplace. 


The general objectives are:

  • to listen and comprehend live as well as record in writing oral presentations on variety of topics
  • to develop greater confidence and proficiency in the use of language skills necessary for social and academic purposes
  • to participate in group discussions, interviews by making short oral presentation on given topics
  • to perceive the overall meaning and organisation of the text (i.e., the relationships of the different “chunks” in the text to each other
  • to identify the central/main point and supporting details, etc., t build communicative competence in various registers of English
  • to promote advanced language skills with an aim to develop the skills of reasoning, drawing inferences, etc. through meaningful activities
  • to translate texts from mother tongue(s) into English and vice versa
  • to develop ability and knowledge required in order to engage in independent reflection and enquiry

At the end of this stage learners will be able to do the following:

  • read and comprehend extended texts (prescribed and non-prescribed) in the following genres: science fiction, drama, poetry, biography, autobiography, travel and sports literature, etc.
  • text-based writing (i.e. writing in response to questions or tasks based on prescribed or unseen texts)
  • understand and respond to lectures, speeches, etc.
  • write expository/argumentative essays, explaining or developing a topic, arguing a case, etc.
  • write formal/informal letters and applications for different purposes
  • write items related to the workplace (minutes, memoranda, notices, summaries, reports etc.)
  • filling up of forms, preparing a CV, e-mail messages, making notes from reference materials, recorded talks etc.

Objectives of teaching English from Class IX to X as per Curriculum

(Code NO. 184)


Traditionally language learning materials beyond the initial stages have been sourced from literature: prose, fiction and poetry. While there is a trend for inclusion of a wider range of contemporary and authentic texts, accessible and culturally appropriate pieces of literature should play a pivotal role at the secondary stage of education. The English class should not be seen as a place merely to read poems and stories in, but an area of activities to develop the learners imagination as a major aim of language study, and to equip the learner with communicative skills to perform various language functions through speech and writing.


The general objectives are:

  • to build greater confidence and proficiency in oral and written communication
  • to develop the ability and knowledge required in order to engage in independent reflection and inquiry
  • to use appropriate English to communicate in various social settings
  • equip learners with essential language skills to question and to articulate their point of view
  • to build competence in the different registers of English
  • to develop sensitivity to, and appreciation of, other varieties of English, Indian English, and the culture they reflect
  • to enable the learner to access knowledge and information through reference skills (consulting a dictionary/thesaurus, library, internet, etc.)
  • to develop curiosity and creativity through extensive reading
  • to facilitate self-learning to enable them to become independent learner
  • to review, organize and edit their own work and work done by peers

At the end of this stage learners will be able to do the following:

  • give a brief oral description of events/incidents of topical interest
  • retell the contents of authentic audio texts (weather reports, public announcements, simple advertisements, short interviews etc.)
  • participate in conversations, discussions etc. on topics of mutual interest in non-class room situations
  • narrate the story depicted pictorially or in any other non-verbal mode
  • respond in writing to business letters, official communications
  • read and identify the main points/significant details of texts like scripts of audio-video interviews, discussions, debates, etc.
  • write without prior preparation on a given topic and be able to defend or explain the position taken/views expressed in the form of articles, speech or a debate
  • write a summary of short lectures on familiar topics by making/taking notes
  • write an assessment of different points of view expressed in a discussion/debate
  • read poems effectively (with proper rhythm and intonation)
  • transcode information from a graph/chart to a description/report and write a dialogue, short story or report

Objectives of teaching English from classes VI to VIII as per Curriculum




CBSE views English language development as key element of the curriculum; it is a critical tool for the learning of all other subjects that the learner is required to study at all the levels. Learners need to be aware of the many purposes of the use of English as well as the diverse forms that it takes and to serve this end they begin to learn to use the appropriate forms of the language suited to the variety of audiences and purposes. They learn to distinguish the formal language of an official letter, the figurative language of a poem and the technical language of a lab report. The English Curriculum at Middle is aimed at developing language skills to analyse and interpret ideas and information in order to enable them to communicate effectively. At the same time the study of literature is also meant to understand other people, cultures vis-à-vis themselves and to appreciate the power of many different uses of language on one hand and to use literature as a tool to teach language on the other.


The student will develop the ability to:

  • read a variety of fiction and non-fiction materials for different purposes
  • interpret, analyse, infer and evaluate written work linking it with personal  experiences and knowledge 
  • communicate ideas for a variety of purposes using various features of ` appropriate forms for a specific audience in a given context
  • express and respond to a range of ideas and opinions concisely, clearly and appropriately
  • organize information creatively and logically during any expression
  • concentrate by identifying the main points and staying on the topic
  • use appropriate forms of language suited to a variety of purposes
  • use appropriate style and structure in communication
  • give and receive feedback for a piece of communication and subsequently improve as per the suggestions arrived at
  • use correctly the conventions of language viz., spelling, grammar, punctuation of the set of vocabulary and syntax used